Thursday, March 15, 2007

Standoff with the Enemy

Its one of those pictures i wanted to take to put the tension between friend and foe. Like the picture where tanks from the Western powers clashed in a junction with thoe of the Soviet sight. A really high tension picture which shows the wary feelings each ahved for each other.

Here, the DSHCC forces, clash in close range with the SCT Forces In the Open Area of a Rocky Desert Land.

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The Commander Halts the Armoured Regiment in the face of the Enemy.
As the conflict is escalating to full intensity.

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Tanks are pointed in each other as the clash between both sides is so closely spaced.
Truce is being setup between both Commanders to fight another day.

Took me quite a while to setup this pic,in any case, it is away from the frequent plane pics recently. Next entry should be the display of the progress of my Cruiser. SO LITTLE TIME, SO MANY THINGS TO DO!


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